Archos DVR Station for Archos 5 and Archos 7 - Zune Store

Archos DVR Station for Archos 5 and Archos 7

Archos DVR Station for Archos 5 and Archos 7
From Archos

I bought an Archos 5 for my 2.5yr old to use on road trips. The DVR station was a must have for me because I copy cartoons/kid's from cable stations or from cable DVR. There is also a TV channel guide you can load to allow the Archos to act as a DVR station itself to record shows on a schedule basis. The only downside I see is it can only record one show at a time (because it physically changes your cable box to the channel you want to record at a specified time). My current cable DVR box can record 3 at once. It is also convenient for charging the Archos device. I highly recommend purchasing this along with your Archos.

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